Territory War
Accurate placement on defense and flawless execution on offense will lead us to victory!
One of our biggest concerns during TW is Turn Meter Loading. We will give a thorough explanation here.
We MUST collectively learn to stop TM loading. If you see anyone doing it, please encourage them to read this page and watch the video explanation.
What is Preloaded TM?
Preloaded turn meter is when a defensive squad goes 1st no matter how fast your offensive squad is. Preloaded turn meter occurs in PVE elements of the game such as in TB and various Events.
Offensive teams have the advantage of being controlled by a human directing the squad. So to increase the game’s challenge level, defensive teams my start off with Preloaded turn meter taking up to two full turns before your offensive team gets to go.
Turn meter loading is when an offensive player in a PVP match (GAC & TW) causes Preloaded Turn Meter by losing the match before force quitting the game. When a defensive team wins, the remaining defensive squad gets to maintain it’s Turn Meter as a reward.
This means that the defensive team will generally go 1st in each subsequent battle until they are completely defeated. Most times, not only will the defensive team go first but they may go twice before you can even get your chance.
What is Turn Meter Loading?
After the 1st battle that has been TM Loaded, your 2nd offensive team’s speed generally gets nullified because the defensive team is holding the Preloaded Turn Meter. You have simply given them the advantage in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. battle. Speed/Turn Meter manipulation are one of the most important if not the most important aspects of the game.
“You have failed me
for the last time.”
— Darth Vader
The danger comes in when you have a full 5 defensive team who someone (or even yourself) has Preloaded their Turn Meter. Imagine a Darth Revan or Geonosian Squad going TWICE before you get to press a button. Imagine them applying fear or ability block or even killing one or two of your toons before you had a chance. This isn’t fair! It makes it very difficult to defeat them.
Each attempt means that you get less and less banners which could mean a loss for the guild. Do not give the enemy the advantage!
What are the dangers of TM Loading in PVP?
Examples of TM Loading
When is it acceptable to Turn Meter Load?
Never. Do your best to win on the 1st try to earn more banners. Utilize the following link to see counters for the teams that you may want to battle. (Button leads to external site)
Go for the sure win! (Technically there are a couple of caveats to this but we will not focus on those until the guild masters avoiding TM Loading altogether.)
I get what you are saying but sometimes I make progress on my 1st battle so then what?
“Progress” must be defined. If you lose the battle but you killed at least one toon that is great, that is progress. However, if you don’t kill a toon and maybe removed some protection you have not made any progress. All you have done is made it harder for your teammates by Turn Meter Loading an entire team! You MUST defeat at least one enemy toon for it to be a positive for the guild.
Example of good progress.
TM Loading Prevention Techniques
There are several ways to prevent TM Loading but here is the best method:
Airplane Mode:
Enter the battle.
Turn Airplane mode ON. (Or turn wifi off on a laptop)
Start fighting and kill at least one enemy toon.
Turn Airplane mode off and finish the entire battle. (Whether by winning, losing or by timing out.)
If you don't kill one toon, leave Airplane mode on and force close the app. Leave Airplane mode on and try to reopen the app until you see the original Disney/Lucasfilm loading screen. Once you do this, turn Airplane mode off. (This will prevent the TM load from occurring)
The second method to prevent TM loading is to force close the app when you see that things aren’t going your way. This is risky because you may not be quick enough to quit before the battle is over.
The third method to prevent TM loading is to click “Forfeit” in game. This also is risky because you cannot click on the settings icon when the enemy is taking their turn.
Turn Meter Loading
Actual photo of @Dandan teaching at school.
Zone Communications
Here is a graph showing the short hand for each zone.